Who is UCLA - Information Technology Services?
UCLA is considered among the best universities for academics and research. With over 40,000 students enrolled, 5,000 available courses, and 4,300 faculty members, it is no surprise why UCLA is one of the highest-ranked Universities, not only in California but the entire nation.
One of UCLA’s many departments is their Information Technology Services, which is responsible for providing information and assistance to students, faculty, staff members, and guests who are at the UCLA campus.
How we helped them
We were introduced to the UCLA IT Services department through one of our fantastic partners. UCLA came to us with a number requirements, including building a CMS platform that would be able to easily create and launch any number of sites using a custom UCLA Drupal distribution. This solution allowed their IT Services department to spin-up sites at will, without needing the assistance of a developer. We also assisted in setting up the distribution on Acquia Site Factory, which allows for fast delivery and site governance of multiple sites at a scale, as well as developed and implemented two themes, and a Pattern Lab component library.
Additionally, we architected the build automation for Continous Integration and Continous Delivery, utilizing build tools such as Drush Make, Composer, Bower, and node.js to build an artifact. With Jenkins, we have automated builds to create an artifact for deployment to Acquia Site Factory.
Local development environments for this platform utilize a Docker build automation workflow, making it easier to spin-up new developers. Finally, we developed a workflow which integrated Drupal 7 with Pattern Lab, allowing the ability to keep the style guide in sync with the app. We proudly continue to support and enhance the it.ucla.edu platform.
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