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Our thoughts, perspectives, and musings on project management

We share knowledge, ideas and ambitions openly, constantly improving and crtiquing our ideas in the larger community.

Posts tagged with project management

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Blog - culture

Scrum Meetings

Meetings are an inevitable part of creating an awesome product. The Scrum methodology has a set of meetings that were designed to help a team be productive, working on the most relevant, prioritized requests and features first.

Meetings are an inevitable part of creating an awesome product. The Scrum methodology has a set of meetings that were designed to help a team be produ...

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Blog - culture

Introduction to Scrum and the Roles

What is up with all these cycles? Why are they so confusing? At first glance, Scrum can seem like a lot to comprehend, though no one eats an elephant in one bite.

What is up with all these cycles? Why are they so confusing? At first glance, Scrum can seem like a lot to comprehend, though no one eats an elephant ...

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Blog - culture

Surviving the Scrum Transmutation

How do you explain the feeling of achievement when you meet a goal you have worked so hard to accomplish? It's an indescribable feeling that charges you up to aim for and fulfill extravagant aspirations. We have that energy flow here are ActiveLAMP. It's electrifying!

How do you explain the feeling of achievement when you meet a goal you have worked so hard to accomplish? It's an indescribable feeling that charges y...
