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Our thoughts, perspectives, and musings on elasticsearch

We share knowledge, ideas and ambitions openly, constantly improving and crtiquing our ideas in the larger community.

Posts tagged with elasticsearch

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Blog - development

Divide & Conquer: Drupal 7, Symfony, Elasticsearch, and AngularJS - Part 2

In the [previous blog post]({% post_url 2015-01-21-divide-and-conquer-part-1 %}) we shared how we implemented the first part of our problem in Drupal and how we decided that splitting our project into discrete parts was a good idea. I'll pick up where we left off and discuss why and how we used Symfony to build our web service instead of implementing it in Drupal.

In the [previous blog post]({% post_url 2015-01-21-divide-and-conquer-part-1 %}) we shared how we implemented the first part of our problem in Drupal ...

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Blog - development

Divide & Conquer: Drupal 7, Symfony, Elasticsearch, and AngularJS - Part 1

It isn't just about Drupal here at ActiveLAMP -- when the right project comes along that diverges from the usual demands of content management, we get to use other cool technologies to satisfy more exotic requirements.

It isn't just about Drupal here at ActiveLAMP -- when the right project comes along that diverges from the usual demands of content management, we get...
